This Friden Calculator model SRW

This Friden Calculator (model SRW)
Extracts Squar

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Titolo: This Friden Calculator model SRW

Dimensione file: 2,2 MB (2957x6675 pixel)

Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale

Fonte pubblicazione: Scientific American

Data della fonte: July 1954

Linguaggio: en (English)

Marca del contenuto: Friden logo friden 

Caricato da: Maverich il 18-04-2020
Testo originale: This Friden Calculator (model SRW)
Extracts Square Root Automatically with a touch of one key (first time on any desk calculator)
Also provides all basic features which enable the fully automatic Friden Calculator—The Thinking Machine of American Business—to perform… more kinds of figure-work without operator decisions than any other calculating machine ever developed
Send today for this Information Sheet describing features and abilities of the fully automatic Friden Square Root Calculator in detail.
Write FRIDEN CALCULATING MACHINE CO., INC., Dept. SA-3, San Leandro, California.
FRIDEN builds calculators in a wide price range, in every size, for every figuring need
Friden sales, instruction and service available throughout the U.S. and the world

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