NAVICOMP, the Navigation Computer (PDF MULTIPAGINA)
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Titolo: NAVICOMP, the Navigation Computer
Dimensione file: 940 KB (4 pagine PDF MULTIPAGINA)
Tipo del contenuto: brochure o inserto staccato
Data della fonte: 1980
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: C.plath  
Caricato da: VintAds il 05-04-2017
Testo originale: The Celestial Navigation Computer from C. Plath, 1980.
* Much more than a calculator - Programmed for celestial navigation.
* Automatic computation of Nautical Almanac table values up to the year 2049.
* Built-in digital quartz chronometer.
* Additional scientific calculator functions.
Litton - C. Plath, Fabrik Nautischer Instrumente,
Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany.
Dimensione file: 940 KB (4 pagine PDF MULTIPAGINA)
Tipo del contenuto: brochure o inserto staccato
Data della fonte: 1980
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: C.plath  
Caricato da: VintAds il 05-04-2017
Testo originale: The Celestial Navigation Computer from C. Plath, 1980.
* Much more than a calculator - Programmed for celestial navigation.
* Automatic computation of Nautical Almanac table values up to the year 2049.
* Built-in digital quartz chronometer.
* Additional scientific calculator functions.
Litton - C. Plath, Fabrik Nautischer Instrumente,
Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany.
c.plath litton c.plath navicomp navigazione celeste |