Stenotype operator
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Titolo: Stenotype operator
Dimensione file: 500 KB (1232x1609 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta
Data della fonte: 1967
Linguaggio: en (English)
Caricato da: Maverich il 19-01-2018
Put yourself in the center of important events. Learn at home to become a
Stenotype Operator
Easy to learn even if you've never taken shorthand before!
STEP UP from routine office work into a glamour job where the pay is far above the average. Sit beside top corporation executives at board meetings and big conferences. Even cover conventions and courtroom trials!
With Stenotype, the world's fastest shorthand, you can qualify for one of today's top-level secretarial positions. This modern machine shorthand is a synonym for highest speed and accuracy in thousands of executive offices and important places everywhere. Your Stenotype machine uses only 22 symbols...types an entire word at one stroke..."takes" in plain English letters...provides clean, easy-to-transcribe records for permanent future reference.
Even if you've had trouble with ordinary shorthand, you can quickly become proficient in Stenotype. Notes are so much easier to take and read. You learn at home, in your spare time. The cost is remarkably low, and the machine itself is included with your course. Take the first step toward an exciting high-pay career today. Send the attached mailer for free booklet. LaSalle, 417 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60605.
• Stenotype is a machine shorthand. It is not a pen-and-pencil system that forces you to memorize thousands of hooks, circles, and special signs.
• Stenotype types an entire word at one stroke. Ordinary handwritten systems may require many strokes for a single word.
• Stenotype "takes" in plain English letters. This provides employers with a permanent, easily-transcribable record that is simple for any Stenotypist to refer to at any time in the future. Notes never grow "cold."
• Stenotype has no speed limit but the experience of its operator. Trained Stenotypists attain speeds of more than 200 words per minute. Complicated push-pencil systems can't compete.
• Stenotype is a small, compact, portable machine that is easy to take to courtrooms, conventions, or outside conferences at offices other than your own. This use of Stenotype—in a variety of unusual situations—is just another of the important advantages the skilled Stenotypist has over ordinary shorthand secretaries.
Testo tradotto: Ottieni begli stipendi in una carriera entusiasmante!
Mettiti al centro di eventi importanti. Impara a casa come diventare un operatore stenotipista (abbreviazione della scrittura con una macchina)
Dimensione file: 500 KB (1232x1609 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta
Data della fonte: 1967
Linguaggio: en (English)
Caricato da: Maverich il 19-01-2018
Put yourself in the center of important events. Learn at home to become a
Stenotype Operator
Easy to learn even if you've never taken shorthand before!
STEP UP from routine office work into a glamour job where the pay is far above the average. Sit beside top corporation executives at board meetings and big conferences. Even cover conventions and courtroom trials!
With Stenotype, the world's fastest shorthand, you can qualify for one of today's top-level secretarial positions. This modern machine shorthand is a synonym for highest speed and accuracy in thousands of executive offices and important places everywhere. Your Stenotype machine uses only 22 symbols...types an entire word at one stroke..."takes" in plain English letters...provides clean, easy-to-transcribe records for permanent future reference.
Even if you've had trouble with ordinary shorthand, you can quickly become proficient in Stenotype. Notes are so much easier to take and read. You learn at home, in your spare time. The cost is remarkably low, and the machine itself is included with your course. Take the first step toward an exciting high-pay career today. Send the attached mailer for free booklet. LaSalle, 417 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60605.
• Stenotype is a machine shorthand. It is not a pen-and-pencil system that forces you to memorize thousands of hooks, circles, and special signs.
• Stenotype types an entire word at one stroke. Ordinary handwritten systems may require many strokes for a single word.
• Stenotype "takes" in plain English letters. This provides employers with a permanent, easily-transcribable record that is simple for any Stenotypist to refer to at any time in the future. Notes never grow "cold."
• Stenotype has no speed limit but the experience of its operator. Trained Stenotypists attain speeds of more than 200 words per minute. Complicated push-pencil systems can't compete.
• Stenotype is a small, compact, portable machine that is easy to take to courtrooms, conventions, or outside conferences at offices other than your own. This use of Stenotype—in a variety of unusual situations—is just another of the important advantages the skilled Stenotypist has over ordinary shorthand secretaries.
Testo tradotto: Ottieni begli stipendi in una carriera entusiasmante!
Mettiti al centro di eventi importanti. Impara a casa come diventare un operatore stenotipista (abbreviazione della scrittura con una macchina)
stenotipia |