Heathkit H8


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Titolo: Heathkit H8
Dimensione file: 1,0 MB (2376x3225 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: Byte
Data della fonte: July 1978
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Heath Company
Caricato da: Maverich il 23-11-2019
Testo originale: HEATHKIT H8
This 8-bit machine, by itself is as versatile as a lot of systems that include peripherals
Skeptical? For starters, because of its unique design the H8 is the only machine in its price class that offers full system integration yet, with just 4K of optional memory and using only its “intelligent” front panel for I/O, may be operated completely without peripherals! In addition, by using the features of its built-in Pam-8 ROM panel control program, the H8 actually allows you to dig in and examine machine level circuitry.
Responding to simple instructions the “intelligent” panel displays memory and register contents, lets you inspect and alter them even during operation. And for greater understanding, the front panel permits you to execute programs a single instruction at a time. The result is a powerful, flexible learning tool that actually lets you “see” and confirm each detail of H8′s inner workings.
If you need further evidence, consider the fact that H8′s system orientation allows you an almost unlimited opportunity for growth.
Memory is fully expandable, the 8080A CPU extremely versatile, and with the addition of high speed serial and parallel interfacing you gain the added flexibility of I/O operation with tape, CRT consoles, paper tape reader/punches, and now our new floppy disk systems! The H8 offers superior documentation including complete step-by-step assembly and operation manuals, is backed by 54 years of Heath reliability, and comes complete with BASIC, assembler, editor, and debug software — others charge over $60 for!
H8, simplicity for the beginner, sophistication for the expert and at $375* just right for you.
HEATHKIT COMPUTERS System Engineered for Personal Computing
Dimensione file: 1,0 MB (2376x3225 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: Byte
Data della fonte: July 1978
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Heath Company

Caricato da: Maverich il 23-11-2019
Testo originale: HEATHKIT H8
This 8-bit machine, by itself is as versatile as a lot of systems that include peripherals
Skeptical? For starters, because of its unique design the H8 is the only machine in its price class that offers full system integration yet, with just 4K of optional memory and using only its “intelligent” front panel for I/O, may be operated completely without peripherals! In addition, by using the features of its built-in Pam-8 ROM panel control program, the H8 actually allows you to dig in and examine machine level circuitry.
Responding to simple instructions the “intelligent” panel displays memory and register contents, lets you inspect and alter them even during operation. And for greater understanding, the front panel permits you to execute programs a single instruction at a time. The result is a powerful, flexible learning tool that actually lets you “see” and confirm each detail of H8′s inner workings.
If you need further evidence, consider the fact that H8′s system orientation allows you an almost unlimited opportunity for growth.
Memory is fully expandable, the 8080A CPU extremely versatile, and with the addition of high speed serial and parallel interfacing you gain the added flexibility of I/O operation with tape, CRT consoles, paper tape reader/punches, and now our new floppy disk systems! The H8 offers superior documentation including complete step-by-step assembly and operation manuals, is backed by 54 years of Heath reliability, and comes complete with BASIC, assembler, editor, and debug software — others charge over $60 for!
H8, simplicity for the beginner, sophistication for the expert and at $375* just right for you.
HEATHKIT COMPUTERS System Engineered for Personal Computing
heathkit heathkit h8 8080 |