Now. A monolithic memory.
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Titolo: Now. A monolithic memory.
Dimensione file: 464 KB (1442x1882 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta
Data della fonte: 1971
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Ibm  
Caricato da: Viola il 21-12-2019
Testo originale: Now. A monolithic memory lets you forget stop-and-go keypunching.
IBM announces a keypunch that isn’t stop-and-go. It's another reason we're the company behind the computer.
We have a keypunch that's designed to help your people become more productive. It's called the IBM 129 Card Data Recorder.
It comes in models that both punch and verify cards.
And it lets your operators key data into a monolithic memory that serves as a buffer before the cards are punched.
What does this new technology mean to you?
It means that your operators can key data continuously.
Even while another card is being punched and stacked.
It means that they can make corrections before a card is punched. Which in turn means that an entire card won't have to be repunched because of a single mistake.
It means that your operators can work at their fastest speed.
The 129's monolithic memory will store up to six different card formats so your operators can change them easily without interrupting their work flow.
Exclusive options; An “accumulate” feature will total selected card fields. Another feature provides a count of keystrokes and cards.
It has all these new advantages. Yet it has the same familiar keyboard. So your operators won't have to be retrained to use it.
We believe our job is to help you get the most out of your computer.
And that is another reason we're the company behind the computer.
The company behind the computer.
Dimensione file: 464 KB (1442x1882 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta
Data della fonte: 1971
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Ibm  
Caricato da: Viola il 21-12-2019
Testo originale: Now. A monolithic memory lets you forget stop-and-go keypunching.
IBM announces a keypunch that isn’t stop-and-go. It's another reason we're the company behind the computer.
We have a keypunch that's designed to help your people become more productive. It's called the IBM 129 Card Data Recorder.
It comes in models that both punch and verify cards.
And it lets your operators key data into a monolithic memory that serves as a buffer before the cards are punched.
What does this new technology mean to you?
It means that your operators can key data continuously.
Even while another card is being punched and stacked.
It means that they can make corrections before a card is punched. Which in turn means that an entire card won't have to be repunched because of a single mistake.
It means that your operators can work at their fastest speed.
The 129's monolithic memory will store up to six different card formats so your operators can change them easily without interrupting their work flow.
Exclusive options; An “accumulate” feature will total selected card fields. Another feature provides a count of keystrokes and cards.
It has all these new advantages. Yet it has the same familiar keyboard. So your operators won't have to be retrained to use it.
We believe our job is to help you get the most out of your computer.
And that is another reason we're the company behind the computer.
The company behind the computer.
ibm scheda perforata ibm 129 |