The New IBM Electronic Data Processing Machines
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Titolo: The New IBM Electronic Data Processing Machines
Dimensione file: 364 KB (1230x1597 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta
Data della fonte: May 1953
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Ibm  
Caricato da: Maverich il 29-04-2020
Testo originale: The New IBM Electronic Data Processing Machines
Combining the great storage capacities and speeds of cathode ray tubes, magnetic drums, and magnetic tapes with the tremendous computing speeds of electronic tubes, IBM engineers and scientists have produced in these machines the most flexible and most productive calculating unit ever marketed.
Here is a computer that can add and subtract 16,666 times a second ... that can multiply and divide 2,192 times a second ... and can recall factors from storage, or "memory," in as little as 12 millionths of a second.
This momentous advance in electronic computing gives defense industries, for which this computer was especially designed, a tool of vast power and versatility. For peacetime uses, it will be applied to a wide variety of engineering, research, and scientific problems.
The new IBM Electronic Data Processing Machines are the forerunners of data processing machines for business, now under intensive development in IBM laboratories.
International Business Machines • 590 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y.
Magnetic drums—any of 81,920 digits* can be stored or recalled in an average of 40/1,000 of a second.
Cathode ray tubes—any of 10,240 digits* can be stored or recalled in 12/1,000,000 of a second.
Magnetic tapes—any of 2,000,000 digits* can be stored on one tape or recalled from it at the rate of 12,500 a second.
*Expressed in terms of equivalent decimal digits.
Dimensione file: 364 KB (1230x1597 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta
Data della fonte: May 1953
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Ibm  
Caricato da: Maverich il 29-04-2020
Testo originale: The New IBM Electronic Data Processing Machines
Combining the great storage capacities and speeds of cathode ray tubes, magnetic drums, and magnetic tapes with the tremendous computing speeds of electronic tubes, IBM engineers and scientists have produced in these machines the most flexible and most productive calculating unit ever marketed.
Here is a computer that can add and subtract 16,666 times a second ... that can multiply and divide 2,192 times a second ... and can recall factors from storage, or "memory," in as little as 12 millionths of a second.
This momentous advance in electronic computing gives defense industries, for which this computer was especially designed, a tool of vast power and versatility. For peacetime uses, it will be applied to a wide variety of engineering, research, and scientific problems.
The new IBM Electronic Data Processing Machines are the forerunners of data processing machines for business, now under intensive development in IBM laboratories.
International Business Machines • 590 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y.
Magnetic drums—any of 81,920 digits* can be stored or recalled in an average of 40/1,000 of a second.
Cathode ray tubes—any of 10,240 digits* can be stored or recalled in 12/1,000,000 of a second.
Magnetic tapes—any of 2,000,000 digits* can be stored on one tape or recalled from it at the rate of 12,500 a second.
*Expressed in terms of equivalent decimal digits.
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