Low-cost hard disk computers are here


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Titolo: Low-cost hard disk computers are here
Dimensione file: 380 KB (1218x1563 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: Infoworld
Data della fonte: 13 August 1979
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Cromemco
Caricato da: Maverich il 29-04-2020
Testo originale: Low-cost hard disk computers are here
11 megabytes of hard disk and 64 kilobytes of fast RAM in a Z80A computer for under $10K. Two floppy drives, too.
Naturally, it's from Cromemco. It's a reality. In Cromemco's new Model Z-2H you get all of the above and even more.
With Cromemco you get it all. In this new Model Z-2H you get not only a large-storage Winchester hard disk drive but also two floppy disk drives. In the hard disk drive you get unprecedented storage capacity at this price-11 megabytes unformatted. You get speed—both in the 4 MHz Z80A microprocessor and in the fast 64K RAM which has a chip access time of only 150 nanoseconds. You get speed in the computer minimum instruction execution time of 1 microsecond.
You get speed in the hard disk transfer rate of 5.6 megabits/sec.
You get expandability, too. The high-speed RAM can be expanded to 512 kilobytes if you wish. And the computer has a full 12-slot card cage you can use for additional RAM and interface cards.
With the Z-2H you also get the broadest software support in the microcomputer field. Software Cromemco is known for.
Software like this:
•Extended BASIC
•RATFOR (RATional FORtran)
•Z80 Macro Assembler
•Word Processing System
•Data Base Management
with more coming all the time.
With all its features the new Z-2H, including its hard disk drive, is still housed in just one small cabinet.
Included in that cabinet, too, is Cromemco ruggedness and reliability. Cromemco is time-proved. Our equipment is a survey winner for reliability. Of course, there's Cromemco's all-metal cabinet. Rugged,solid. And, there's the heavy-duty power supply (30A @ 8V, 15A @ +18 V, and 15A @ —18V) for circuitry you'll sooner or later want to plug into those free card slots.
With its high performance and low price you KNOW this new Z-2H is going to be a smash. Look into it right now.
Contact your Cromemco computer store and get our sales literature. Find out when you can see it.
Many dealers will be showing the Z-2H soon—and you'll want to be there when they do.
We've kept you in mind, too. Ask about the new Model HDD Disk Drive which can combine with your present Cromemco computer to give you up to 22 megabytes of disk storage.
Hard disk drive at lower left can be interchanged just by sliding out and disconnecting plug.
Seven free card slots are available. Z-2H includes printer interface card.
Cromemco incorporated
Dimensione file: 380 KB (1218x1563 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: Infoworld
Data della fonte: 13 August 1979
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Cromemco

Caricato da: Maverich il 29-04-2020
Testo originale: Low-cost hard disk computers are here
11 megabytes of hard disk and 64 kilobytes of fast RAM in a Z80A computer for under $10K. Two floppy drives, too.
Naturally, it's from Cromemco. It's a reality. In Cromemco's new Model Z-2H you get all of the above and even more.
With Cromemco you get it all. In this new Model Z-2H you get not only a large-storage Winchester hard disk drive but also two floppy disk drives. In the hard disk drive you get unprecedented storage capacity at this price-11 megabytes unformatted. You get speed—both in the 4 MHz Z80A microprocessor and in the fast 64K RAM which has a chip access time of only 150 nanoseconds. You get speed in the computer minimum instruction execution time of 1 microsecond.
You get speed in the hard disk transfer rate of 5.6 megabits/sec.
You get expandability, too. The high-speed RAM can be expanded to 512 kilobytes if you wish. And the computer has a full 12-slot card cage you can use for additional RAM and interface cards.
With the Z-2H you also get the broadest software support in the microcomputer field. Software Cromemco is known for.
Software like this:
•Extended BASIC
•RATFOR (RATional FORtran)
•Z80 Macro Assembler
•Word Processing System
•Data Base Management
with more coming all the time.
With all its features the new Z-2H, including its hard disk drive, is still housed in just one small cabinet.
Included in that cabinet, too, is Cromemco ruggedness and reliability. Cromemco is time-proved. Our equipment is a survey winner for reliability. Of course, there's Cromemco's all-metal cabinet. Rugged,solid. And, there's the heavy-duty power supply (30A @ 8V, 15A @ +18 V, and 15A @ —18V) for circuitry you'll sooner or later want to plug into those free card slots.
With its high performance and low price you KNOW this new Z-2H is going to be a smash. Look into it right now.
Contact your Cromemco computer store and get our sales literature. Find out when you can see it.
Many dealers will be showing the Z-2H soon—and you'll want to be there when they do.
We've kept you in mind, too. Ask about the new Model HDD Disk Drive which can combine with your present Cromemco computer to give you up to 22 megabytes of disk storage.
Hard disk drive at lower left can be interchanged just by sliding out and disconnecting plug.
Seven free card slots are available. Z-2H includes printer interface card.
Cromemco incorporated
cromemco cromemco z-2h basic fortran cobol |