Altair, number One in low-cost computing.


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Titolo: Altair, number One in low-cost computing.
Dimensione file: 1,3 MB (2248x3031 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta
Data della fonte: December 1976
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Mits
Caricato da: Maverich il 01-05-2020
Testo originale: altair
Number One in low-cost computing.
Altair, from Mits, is the number one name in microcomputers for home, business, personal and industrial applications.
Because the Altair was first, it has set the standard in the industry.
More Altair 8800's are now operational than all other microcomputers combined. Whether you buy a $395 complete computer kit* or a multi-disk system for under $10,000; Mits will provide you with thorough and lasting support. Satisfied Altair users include schools, corporations, small businesses, students, engineers, and hobbyists. Altair hardware includes three microcomputers; the Altair 8800a, 8800b, and 680b. Mits has a complete selection of Altair plug-compatible memory and interface options, including the new Altair 16K Static board and Altair multi-port serial and parallel I/O boards. Also available is a complete line of Altair peripherals including line printers, CRT's, and multiple disk systems. Altair software is by far the most complete and best for any microcomputer. Our Extended BASIC and Disk BASIC have received industry wide acclaim for programming power and efficiency. Application packages are available at many Altair Computer Centers** The Altair computer is a revolution in low cost computing. Shouldn't you write for more information including our free, color catalogue.
*The Altair 680b turnkey model.
**Retail Altair computer outlets now opened in many large cities.
MITS, Inc. 2450 Alamo S.E./Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106
Dimensione file: 1,3 MB (2248x3031 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta
Data della fonte: December 1976
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Mits

Caricato da: Maverich il 01-05-2020
Testo originale: altair
Number One in low-cost computing.
Altair, from Mits, is the number one name in microcomputers for home, business, personal and industrial applications.
Because the Altair was first, it has set the standard in the industry.
More Altair 8800's are now operational than all other microcomputers combined. Whether you buy a $395 complete computer kit* or a multi-disk system for under $10,000; Mits will provide you with thorough and lasting support. Satisfied Altair users include schools, corporations, small businesses, students, engineers, and hobbyists. Altair hardware includes three microcomputers; the Altair 8800a, 8800b, and 680b. Mits has a complete selection of Altair plug-compatible memory and interface options, including the new Altair 16K Static board and Altair multi-port serial and parallel I/O boards. Also available is a complete line of Altair peripherals including line printers, CRT's, and multiple disk systems. Altair software is by far the most complete and best for any microcomputer. Our Extended BASIC and Disk BASIC have received industry wide acclaim for programming power and efficiency. Application packages are available at many Altair Computer Centers** The Altair computer is a revolution in low cost computing. Shouldn't you write for more information including our free, color catalogue.
*The Altair 680b turnkey model.
**Retail Altair computer outlets now opened in many large cities.
MITS, Inc. 2450 Alamo S.E./Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106
mits mits altair 8800 basic mits altair 680 |