Microsoft's RAMCard with RAMDrive


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Titolo: Microsoft's RAMCard with RAMDrive
Dimensione file: 389 KB (1280x1832 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: PC Magazine
Data della fonte: March 1982
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Microsoft, Ibm
Caricato da: Maverich il 26-05-2020
Testo originale: Microsoft's RAMCard with RAMDrive takes the whir, click and wait out of the IBM PC.
Solid State Disk. When you add the Microsoft RAMCard to your IBM Personal Computer, you also add RAMDrive, which lets you use memory as you would normally use a disk. That gives you "disk access" that's typically 50X faster than disk.
Without the whirring, clicking and waiting of mechanical data access.
Fast and easy. You simply designate a portion of memory as "disk" RAMDrive takes it from there, instructing the program to go to RAM rather than disk whenever data access is needed. The result is faster, smoother, no-wait computing.
64K to 256K. You can start small, but think big. Start with 64K and add Microsoft RAMChips in 64K blocks. Or, buy the full 256K now. Either way, you get both RAM and "disk" capabilities. All in a single slot. A complete subsystem. The RAMCard package comes complete with the memory board (64K, 128K, 192K or 256K), documentation, a diskette which adds RAM Drive and, a full one year warranty.
More tools for IBM. Microsoft wrote PC-DOS, the standard operating system for the IBM Personal Computer. And Microsoft is first in providing a full range of languages, applications programs and utilities for the IBM PC. The addition of RAMCard with RAMDrive is our way of saying that Microsoft will continue to offer more and better supported tools for the IBM PC.
See for yourself. Ask your Microsoft or IBM PC dealer for a demonstration of both main memory and disk features of the Microsoft RAMCard with RAMDrive. It's solid state memory you can also use like a disk. And it takes the whir, click and wait out of the IBM PC.
Microsoft Corporation 10700 Northup Way Bellevue, WA 98004
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp
Microsoft, RAMChips, RAMCard, and RAMDrive, are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Dimensione file: 389 KB (1280x1832 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: PC Magazine
Data della fonte: March 1982
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Microsoft, Ibm

Caricato da: Maverich il 26-05-2020
Testo originale: Microsoft's RAMCard with RAMDrive takes the whir, click and wait out of the IBM PC.
Solid State Disk. When you add the Microsoft RAMCard to your IBM Personal Computer, you also add RAMDrive, which lets you use memory as you would normally use a disk. That gives you "disk access" that's typically 50X faster than disk.
Without the whirring, clicking and waiting of mechanical data access.
Fast and easy. You simply designate a portion of memory as "disk" RAMDrive takes it from there, instructing the program to go to RAM rather than disk whenever data access is needed. The result is faster, smoother, no-wait computing.
64K to 256K. You can start small, but think big. Start with 64K and add Microsoft RAMChips in 64K blocks. Or, buy the full 256K now. Either way, you get both RAM and "disk" capabilities. All in a single slot. A complete subsystem. The RAMCard package comes complete with the memory board (64K, 128K, 192K or 256K), documentation, a diskette which adds RAM Drive and, a full one year warranty.
More tools for IBM. Microsoft wrote PC-DOS, the standard operating system for the IBM Personal Computer. And Microsoft is first in providing a full range of languages, applications programs and utilities for the IBM PC. The addition of RAMCard with RAMDrive is our way of saying that Microsoft will continue to offer more and better supported tools for the IBM PC.
See for yourself. Ask your Microsoft or IBM PC dealer for a demonstration of both main memory and disk features of the Microsoft RAMCard with RAMDrive. It's solid state memory you can also use like a disk. And it takes the whir, click and wait out of the IBM PC.
Microsoft Corporation 10700 Northup Way Bellevue, WA 98004
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp
Microsoft, RAMChips, RAMCard, and RAMDrive, are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
microsoft microsoft ramcard ibm pc dos |