Yours free this 10 slide rule

Yours free this 10 slide rule

has genuine Lucit

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Titolo: Yours free this 10 slide rule

Dimensione file: 394 KB (1187x885 pixel)

Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale

Fonte pubblicazione: Popular Mechanics

Data della fonte: December 1942

Linguaggio: en (English)

Marca del contenuto: Wilcox & Follett  

Caricato da: Maverich il 30-05-2020
Testo originale: Yours free this 10 slide rule

has genuine Lucite, non-shattering magnifying indicator..... ABCD and K scales.
If you are doing figure work without a slide rule you are wasting from 60% to 97% of your time. Every mechanic, machinist, draftsman, accountant, electrician, aircraft worker and business man should have a slide rule and know how to use this greatest time-saving mathematical instrument.
... Here is a brand new text complete with work sheets and an answer book and 5 place logarithm tables that will teach you how to use the slide-rule in a series of simple, easy to understand lessons, authoritatively written by Hobart H. Sommers, M.A., Dean, Austin Evening Junior College; Harry Drell, B.S., Lockheed Aircraft Corporation ; T. W. Wallschlaeger, M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology.
It will show you how to do all kinds of figure-work in seconds and without pencil or paper—multiplying, dividing, extracting roots, ratios, percentages, squares, areas of circles, radii of circles, volumes of prisms, cylinders, cones, pyramids, spheres and Innumerable other problems important in business and industry. Beginners or experts will find this valuable book complete in every detail—the novice will learn to do rapid slide-rule calculations in a couple of hours,—the engineer can review methods and problems with the work sheets and answer book. Get this text and a free Manheim Type 10” slide rule bound right with the book itself . . . complete for only $2.98.

Regular $5.00 Value
Slide rule alone worth $1.00, Logarithm Table Books cost from 75c to $1.00. Slide Rule Course worth $3.50. All complete with Answer Book for only $2.98.

wilcox & follett regolo calcolatore