Six facts about the new CRC 102-A


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Titolo: Six facts about the new CRC 102-A
Dimensione file: 1,4 MB (2424x3341 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: Scientific American
Data della fonte: June 1953
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Crc
Caricato da: Maverich il 30-06-2020
Testo originale: Six facts every engineer and scientist should know about the new CRC102-A Electronic Digital General-Purpose Computer
1. LOW INITIAL COST – The CRC 102-A is one of the lowest priced, large scale, digital electronic computers now available commercially. It may be purchased, rented, or leased with an option to buy. Performance guarantees are given as part of every lease contract.
2. FAST AVAILABILITY- Applying production-line techniques to the construction of the CRC 102-A has resulted in the shortest delivery time of any fully electronic, digital, general-purpose computer. Production schedules call for completion of one CRC 102-A every eight working days.
3. WIDE CHOICE OF INPUT-OUTPUT DEVICES – Data in either octal or decimal form may be entered into the CRC 102-A manually from a typewriter, automatically or semi-automatically from punched paper tape, and automatically from IBM cards or from computer-controlled magnetic-tape units. The computer will print output data automatically on its typewriter in octal, decimal, or alphabetic form, perforate paper tape in octal or decimal form for reproducing hard copy or for re-entering data into the computer at some later time, punch octal or decimal data on IBM cards for use with punched card equipment, or record data on magnetic tape for later use.
4. HIGH RELIABILITY – The unique circuit design and relatively small number of vacuum tubes and other critical components in the CRC 102-A result in less down time due to machine failure. Complete plug-in circuitry and easily adjusted mechanical components speed up preventive maintenance checks. Each machine undergoes extensive shakedown tests and is operated under actual customer conditions in CRC’s Computing Center before delivery to further assure high reliability.
5. EASY PROGRAMMING – Addition of “programmer’s” commands, a test switch for program debugging, faster speeds, greater flexibility, and the wide selection of input-output equipment has greatly simplified programming procedures and increased the computer’s capabilities.
6. ADDITIONAL SERVICES ARE NOW AVAILABLE-Programming sub-routines, application studies, and training courses on computer operation, are now available from CRC’s Applications Division. Facilities of the new Computing Center enable potential computer users to evaluate the CRC 102-A for their specific applications. Trained service personnel are now available in most areas to assure proper maintenance of all CRC computers.
For complete, detailed information on the new CRC 102-A write to the Director of Applications.
Data Reduction - Correlation and Statistical Analysis - Differential Equation Solutions - Orbit Computations - Psychological Survey Studies - Molecular Structure Problems - Crystalline Structure Problems - Simulation Problems - Electrical Network Problems - Matrix Multiplication and Inversion - Oil Reservoir Problems.
First in electronic computation
Dimensione file: 1,4 MB (2424x3341 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: Scientific American
Data della fonte: June 1953
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Crc

Caricato da: Maverich il 30-06-2020
Testo originale: Six facts every engineer and scientist should know about the new CRC102-A Electronic Digital General-Purpose Computer
1. LOW INITIAL COST – The CRC 102-A is one of the lowest priced, large scale, digital electronic computers now available commercially. It may be purchased, rented, or leased with an option to buy. Performance guarantees are given as part of every lease contract.
2. FAST AVAILABILITY- Applying production-line techniques to the construction of the CRC 102-A has resulted in the shortest delivery time of any fully electronic, digital, general-purpose computer. Production schedules call for completion of one CRC 102-A every eight working days.
3. WIDE CHOICE OF INPUT-OUTPUT DEVICES – Data in either octal or decimal form may be entered into the CRC 102-A manually from a typewriter, automatically or semi-automatically from punched paper tape, and automatically from IBM cards or from computer-controlled magnetic-tape units. The computer will print output data automatically on its typewriter in octal, decimal, or alphabetic form, perforate paper tape in octal or decimal form for reproducing hard copy or for re-entering data into the computer at some later time, punch octal or decimal data on IBM cards for use with punched card equipment, or record data on magnetic tape for later use.
4. HIGH RELIABILITY – The unique circuit design and relatively small number of vacuum tubes and other critical components in the CRC 102-A result in less down time due to machine failure. Complete plug-in circuitry and easily adjusted mechanical components speed up preventive maintenance checks. Each machine undergoes extensive shakedown tests and is operated under actual customer conditions in CRC’s Computing Center before delivery to further assure high reliability.
5. EASY PROGRAMMING – Addition of “programmer’s” commands, a test switch for program debugging, faster speeds, greater flexibility, and the wide selection of input-output equipment has greatly simplified programming procedures and increased the computer’s capabilities.
6. ADDITIONAL SERVICES ARE NOW AVAILABLE-Programming sub-routines, application studies, and training courses on computer operation, are now available from CRC’s Applications Division. Facilities of the new Computing Center enable potential computer users to evaluate the CRC 102-A for their specific applications. Trained service personnel are now available in most areas to assure proper maintenance of all CRC computers.
For complete, detailed information on the new CRC 102-A write to the Director of Applications.
Data Reduction - Correlation and Statistical Analysis - Differential Equation Solutions - Orbit Computations - Psychological Survey Studies - Molecular Structure Problems - Crystalline Structure Problems - Simulation Problems - Electrical Network Problems - Matrix Multiplication and Inversion - Oil Reservoir Problems.
First in electronic computation
crc crc 102-a |