Toshiba T1100 Plus


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Titolo: Toshiba T1100 Plus
Dimensione file: 498 KB (726x1024 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta
Data della fonte: 1986
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Toshiba
Caricato da: Leccio il 07-05-2015
Testo originale: This Is One time
IBM’s Size
Is Not An Advantage.
When it comes to a portable computer, smaller is better. That's one reason the new dual disk drive Toshiba T1100 PLUS has it all over the IBM PC Convertible!
But our portable PC is not only smaller than the IBM, it's lighter. And more powerful. Our 80086 microprocessor lets you zip through work at up to twice the speed. And our maximum memory capacity is 640K of RAM. Theirs is only 512K.
The T1100 Plus has other things he IBM doesn't. Like serial, parallel and CRT ports that are built-in standards. Not add-on extras. And a high resolution LCD display screen that tilts to many convenient viewing angles. Not just a few.
Of course, the Toshiba T1100 PLUS does have a few things in common with the IBM portable. Like complete IBM compatibility. And two built-in 720K 3.5" disk drives. It's just that it has these things in a smaller, lighter, faster, more portable, more affordable package.
To find out about the T1100 PLUS, call 1-800-457-7777 for the name of your Toshiba dealer.
And see why being smaller than IBM is going to make us one of the biggest names in PCs.
In Touch with Tomorrow
Testo tradotto: Questa è una di quelle volte che la dimensione dell'IBM non è un vantaggio.
Dimensione file: 498 KB (726x1024 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta
Data della fonte: 1986
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Toshiba

Caricato da: Leccio il 07-05-2015
Testo originale: This Is One time
IBM’s Size
Is Not An Advantage.
When it comes to a portable computer, smaller is better. That's one reason the new dual disk drive Toshiba T1100 PLUS has it all over the IBM PC Convertible!
But our portable PC is not only smaller than the IBM, it's lighter. And more powerful. Our 80086 microprocessor lets you zip through work at up to twice the speed. And our maximum memory capacity is 640K of RAM. Theirs is only 512K.
The T1100 Plus has other things he IBM doesn't. Like serial, parallel and CRT ports that are built-in standards. Not add-on extras. And a high resolution LCD display screen that tilts to many convenient viewing angles. Not just a few.
Of course, the Toshiba T1100 PLUS does have a few things in common with the IBM portable. Like complete IBM compatibility. And two built-in 720K 3.5" disk drives. It's just that it has these things in a smaller, lighter, faster, more portable, more affordable package.
To find out about the T1100 PLUS, call 1-800-457-7777 for the name of your Toshiba dealer.
And see why being smaller than IBM is going to make us one of the biggest names in PCs.
In Touch with Tomorrow
Testo tradotto: Questa è una di quelle volte che la dimensione dell'IBM non è un vantaggio.
toshiba toshiba t1100 plus portatile |